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Tips For Blog Many Visitors

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Tips For Blog Many visitors just is not enough, but after the visit is to think of ways to make other people like to linger in the blog kita.Saat we first envisioned creating a blog is a blog that has a lot of visitors and also have a lot of buyers (for the blog used to promotion) but sometimes for beginners who difikirkan is an instant way to blog much visited.

            As a result of excessive promotion and lack of information were obtained to create a blog after reading seaat immediately abandoned visitors.

             There are tips for your blog crowded and tips so that visitors linger on your blog. Most importantly for those who start writing blog is do not rush to chase trafict massively. the main one is done is undergoing tips for following the blog crowded. :) ".

             Here are eight top tips for blogs buddy get visitors and visitors linger in the blog, which many

            1. Create a blog with a theme with 5-10 main content.
The theme is the goal sonbat blog created. for example, your blog themed recipes. then the dibututuhkan is 5-10 content or postings about recipes. So it's not about posting recipes but for example; historical recipes. Why found the recipe, the secret behind the recipes, and others who setema to your blog. Differences theme with posts will exacerbate empty blog so try to create a blog that setema.
            2. Write articles tips No. 1 with a length of at least half the sheet HVS Folio size or approximately 550 words. It will memperikan impression to the visitor that this is where they find it complete. Do not get used to write the cores only. and also terms only understood by a small number of people. Use terms that are commonly used. and if necessary, give explanations in terms that are not commonly used blog.
            3. Use standard sentence when writing posts
It's very important, the use of the word default will make all groups understand the content of your blog. Even if translated into a foreign language with google translate eg The alien then people will easily understand the content of your blog. Never once - times using short-abbreviated language, let alone the size is not known example: (Km4Rin Aq pulg) Wah who read surely blurred.
            4. Use Read More
Make visitors curious to add readmore, why? because the read more visitors will see your blog excerpts that makes visitors curious to read all of your blog article :) now blogspot already using the latest readmore without having to use the method of brain tweaking srcipt java. if you do not know please read here
            5. Encourage others to comment To encourage visitors to leave a comment, a friend can include questions on individual posts, such as: "What do you think?" Or "Do you have other tips?" And others that a friend can develop themselves. essentially pal must mengunakann interactive language in making the posting.
            6. Discover new ideas in creating a post, try not to discuss issues that's it, or that long. Look for new ideas. so the problem can be the same but the idea should be different.
            7. Use the template cool and pleasing to the eye. If I use a template that dimodif with curved lines. Functions that blogs do not appear too rigid, and pleasing to the eye. and color also should cool if we avoid dark colors.
            8. To Have schedule post articles, articles try to always update the minimum is 1 time in a week. so that when visitors come the second time and seeing new things. meraka certainly would be happy to linger on your blog while waiting for other tips


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