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Quick Tips For Google Adsense Accepted in Indonesia

Lots of ways to get revenue from the Internet, In addition to using whaff (Read: The Most Easy Way to Millions amount of Android), you can also rely on Google's flagship product, which is Google Adsense.

Google Adsense Ads is a service developed by Google and has been widely believed by many small companies to large scale to advertise, with the method of PPC (Pay Per Click) / (Paid Every Click), many Bloggers are already earning a sizable side of ini.Dulu Google Adsense, Google Adsense can not be used for the people of Indonesia. However, since it was established that the Indonesian-language blogs can use Google AdSense in 2012, has many Bloggers who sign up and gain revenue each month.

However, not all Bloggers who registered his blog can be received by Google, in fact, many Bloggers are quite frustrated with Google because the blog does not qualify mounting Adsense.

So what are some tips that we can use so that we can be accepted Blog by Google, so they can earn money from Google Adsense?
1. Have a Blog Content Original and Helpful

Blogs that have original content and useful not only liked by the readers, but also Google Adsense. This is the most important factor, if you do not have a blog content useful, of course, Google will not accept you as a publisher blog their advertisements.
2. Not Copas and Contains Pirated Content

If that is still ambiguous, Although you do not copy and paste blog but contain pirated content, do please deh Google Adsense will accept you, and vice versa. Google prefer the blog publisher made from curly own hands although relatively small visitor traffic.
3. The number of visitors is not problem

Once again confirmed, that Google Adsense is not concerned with how many visitors you, the note is uniqueness, originality and the sale value of a blog. However, although the number of visitors had no effect, but the age or the age of a blog is also a consideration Google Adsense. So, if your blog is still fairly new, it is better not to hurry list in Google Adsense.
4. Platform Google More Preferred

That is, if your blog is made from Blogger or using YouTube as a medium for advertising, Google Adsense welcome the opportunity will be greater than if we use other platforms such as WordPress or Joomla !, Setau Even my own Google Adsense can not be installed on the WordPress platform, be it WordPress .com or-else WordPress.org.
5. Information Site Clear

Google Adsense is like a company that would hire us, of course they need to know at least a little bit of information about our blog. So, it is good for the "Contact Us", "About Us" or "Privacy Policy", because when we signed up for an Adsense account, one of Google will come directly to see our blog to be decided whether it is feasible to become publisher Google Adsense or not.

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