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7 Point Weakness Women

Speaking about the weakness of women are endless always just discussed there. Ordinary women if men ngebahas problem. Here are 7 points Weakness Women, namely:

1. Thigh Inside
Is a very sensitive when touched, licked much less palpable. As well as the back and knee, on the inner thigh are also a number of nerve root. Not surprisingly then fingered his part, will make it turn on just like the giia, as long as not to bite

2. Rear Knee
Because all nerve root lies in the back of the knee, then when giving lick or gig Prefabs light, it can make the He gasped in surprise as pleasure.

3. Buttocks
It is true, when the 'play' section around the buttocks, there are some women who like it. In addition, there are many women who like ass when tapped or squeezed by a partner. But there's more ....! Some women like buffs licked, sucked and even penetration with fingers, Mr.P or both.

4. Neck
With breath in this field alone, would make her hair creeps. Imagine the reaction when using the tongue or teeth to stimulate it. Because this is the weakness of the body parts of a woman who is bagu s place to start. Use your fingers to uncover her hair gently, then hold your mouth to his neck. After that gigitlah this section tenderly and slowly, then the phrase "I want you sooo bad '.

5. Ear
Many women are like when their ears licked, ci um or bite. Although blowing in this section is legitimate, but it is not something they like. In addition to the above activities, there is one more thing you can do. Usually, most women like it when their partner whispers an invitation to stimulate it.

6. Legs
There are some weaknesses girl who likes a touch, massage, or even licked and sucked at their feet. Suppose that part of the conditions have been washed clean, usually they like while their partners w ime spent on the soles of the feet, toes and ankles them. The sensation of ticklishness can provide its own pleasure for couples.

7. Wrists
Perhaps it will surprise the men. But the truth is women are very happy when this section gets a massage or a light bite by their lovers. And if you're doing foreplay together the He, start with kissing and touching the wrist while observing the extent of stimulation he gets!


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2 Responses to "7 Point Weakness Women"

  1. Wow, this article is good
    Thanks for information :)

  2. #faiz : oke makasih again

